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Oversea Customer

Do you ship internationally? Can I order outside of Taiwan?

Yes, we ship internationally. Please allow extra time or international delivery depending on the country and region. Customs duties may be charged.



I live outside of Taiwan. When will my order be dispatched?

After payment is confirmed, item(s) will be dispatched within 7 business days, excluding weekends and national holidays. For preorders, lottery sales, and custom orders, the delivery schedule is noted in the order confirmation email. Delivery time may vary depending on your country and region.


決済確認後、土日祝日を除き、7営業日以内に製品を発送します。予約販売、抽選販売、カスタムオーダーについては、注文確認メールに発送時期を記載しています。 配送先の国・地域の状況や通関手続、EMS / DHLの状況によってお届けに時間がかかる場合があります。

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